Monday, January 25, 2010

How Many Granola Bars A Day How Many Peanuts/nuts (or Nut Granola Bars) Should You Eat A Day For A Vegetarian?

How many peanuts/nuts (or nut granola bars) should you eat a day for a vegetarian? - how many granola bars a day

14 peanuts, or even better, 20 almonds (half as good to eat 2). 2 cereal bars are allowed per day, 6 hours. other.


ssrvj said...

Nuts vegetarianism is not just wealthy. Beyond that, many nuts and peanuts, as a rule, in particular no good.All nuts in oils and fats.Each gram of fat provides 9 calories, compared with every gram of carbohydrate or protein rich give (to) each of the 4 calories per gram and is triglycerides likely to increase VLDL, LDL and HDL) is not good for the heart or brain (stroke. Too many peanuts or peanut oil, peanut butter, said the creation slugishness liver (Pittam) according to Ayurveda.

KathyS said...

I do not think there is a fixed sum. Depends on what you eat more than good. A few days ago I did not eat fruit at all. It is a mandatory field daily meal.

todd G said...

None. You do not eat peanuts and nuts (peanuts are not nuts - they are a legume), if you are Vego, if you really want. It is much more difficult, by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, are omnivores shortsighted you think will be malnourished. It is very difficult in reality.

♥ aNimAL LoVEr ♥ said...

I try to eat granola bars for at least 2 ... I like nuts and about 40 or so ... it may be different, I eat that amount, because I'm 15th

contrary... said...

Here are some links to vegetarian and vegan diets:

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