What else could be causing the Check Engine light to come on? My car has 126,000 miles on it.? - gas leak detection sensor
I have a 1997 Plymouth Breeze, 2.0 engine with four cylinders. The "light" came last week and took the car directly to AutoZone for a system analysis OBD2. The only code that is saved P1494, I called the dealer and Chrysler said it was a leak in the EVAP system. It is the most likely cause was a cap is loose or missing. I looked for him, and was even at the cost of buying a new one. Under the new CAP has been installed, I had deleted the code. I reset the counter and went back about 90 miles and the light. I had a command-line mechanical and piping from the fuel tank of the coal ship, and the engine. All were tight and in good shape. I was also informed by the dealer that the pump may be bad leak. This is a small Vacum pump, which maintains a constant Vacum evap. My Haynes manual shows this pump, but my mechanic said, no one in my car. It tells me now that's my problem ?????? O2 Sensor
could be your O2 sensor. The only way to know, is to replace the deleted code and see whether it is new. It could also be the actual EVAP system, when the same sensor that triggers the check engine light is not working properly. See if you can find the leak detection pump on your car. If you try to replace them, and yourself, whether or not you show your mechanic, this pump. Do not know what the real problem, as we have only one thing at a time when determination is resolved.
think you have covered everything, but think it's valve in the return side Stickey And canister.these get opperate properly.good luck.
Take out your gas cap and again until it clicks at least 3 times
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